Sunday, September 16, 2007

P.O.D "Youth Of The Nation"

I'm going to add music videos to "God and Me" from time to time to spice this blog up a bit. :) Here's the first one, "Youth of the Nation", by P.O.D. I know some really traditional Christians have a BIG problem with Christian rock music but I, for one, love it!

I've always felt that Christians are trying to reach the culture in the entirely wrong way. Secular people, and even many Christians, have NO interest in the overly "religious", and all too often cheesy, stuff Christians put on the market. Christians need to rediscover the art of the parable, where spiritual truths are communicated to people in nonreligious stories. Jesus reached people that way. I think Christian rock groups like P.O.D are simply using a modern version of the parable. Their songs might not have "I love Jesus!" in every line but they teach the truths Jesus taught. And in the end, that's what really matters.

Enjoy the video!

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