Friday, November 30, 2007

Benny Hinn:

When I first saw this video on a forum I post to I nearly died with laughter. All those people looked like they'd been afflicted with the spirit of epilepsy. And Hinn appeared well schooled in the fine art of Las Vegas showmanship. But when you think about it Benny Hinn and his ilk aren't funny at all.

I know God is all-powerful. I know He can heal. But stage shows like the ones Hinn puts on are, in my opinion, an insult to God. They are an act of taking God's name in vain.

I don't see how Hinn sleeps at night. He must not really believe in God, otherwise he'd be in fear for his life. God doesn't play with people preaching and doing falsehoods in His name. And beleive me, what Hinn is doing and preaching is false.

Really, do you think God only heals at circuslike extravaganzas such as Hinn's? Do you believe you have to put on show equal to anything put on in Las Vegas to get the Lord's attention? NO!!!

God hears the prayers of His children, of hurting humanity, much better in the quiet valley of faithful persistence. A stage show isn't necessary.

God isn't a trained seal. He doesn't perform on cue, yet that's exactly what Hinn's shows depend on. Come to the stadium at 7 o'clock tonight and experience the power of God!! I don't think so. And sadly, Hinn's got a lot of company. Even respectable tv preachers sometimes act like they've got God on a string.

Pat Robertson is one of them. His show, The 700 Club, is very informative and grounded, but there's a segment called "the word of knowledge" that's always disturbed me. During this part of the show Pat and his co-host claim to receive knowledge from God about people being healed.

As I said above, I know God can heal, but at the same moment, on the same show, day after day? I mean, does Robertson have a contract with God requiring Him to show up on his show at the same time every day?

I've always felt insulted that Robertson seems to think no one in his audience knows this "word of knowledge" stuff is staged. Yes, it's much more subdued than Hinn's circus acts, but it's just as choreographed.

Why don't people stop doing this stuff? Don't they know they're only hurting the cause of Christ? Of course, if they aren't really believers the cause of Christ is meaningless to them. They just want the money and the adulation. Well, I hope they enjoy it because this is the only reward they'll get. Their souls are going to hit something far worse than the floor.

1 comment:

Tapline said...

GAM,I have read this post over and over. I keep coming up with the verse."Judge not that ye may be judged:. My nephew who is mentally challanged is a firm believer In healing by touch. and casting out demons. The scriptures are full of this type of example, using God's power to heal. The laying on of hands is as well documented as a healing method used by men of God. I am not saying these men whom you mention are doing so out of a calling from God. I do not know. I do know however, if they are not but say they are they are in danger of Hell Fire and it will consume them. "Vengence is mine." saith the Lord. We could broaden your observations and include say....the Penticostal denomination. They talk in tongues, and become overcome, on occasion with the Holy Ghost. Many years ago, I sat looked at this practice as not God inspired. Until I started reading my bible and the talking in tongues and receiving the Holy Spirit. I Now believe, that they believe what they are doing is God inspired, so who am I to say it is not???? Just rambling....stay well......