I believe that most Christians really do mean well. When people they know are having severe problems Christians will "encourage" them with a cheery "Jesus loves you!", totally not understanding how lame and even depressing that sounds. Yes, I believe that Christians' faith can be a barrier to their acknowledging the depth of other people's pain and feeling real empathy.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that Christians don't feel for people; I'm saying that they often don't understand that more than an obligatory "God loves you!" is needed to comfort them. Suffering with those who suffer is a part of the faith that many believers have totally rejected, even if they don't realize it. Instead, the seductive "health, wealth, and happiness" doctrine has convinced too many Christians that life is to be problem free, and they're often emotionally and psycologically unprepared when it's not. Saying "God loves you!" becomes almost a magical spell which, when repeated often enough, is expected to put things right.
This can be galling to a lot of hurting people. Talk of God's love is often NOT what people need to hear when mourning the death of a loved one, facing a cancer diagnosis, or reeling in shock from a spouse's infidelity. In such trying times the love of God is NOT what many folks are feeling. The abandonment of God, the distance of God, the coldness of God, the incomprehensibleness of God are what dogs most people's hearts and minds in the dark times. Christians need to acknowledge and validate such feelings rather than try to soothe them with religious platitudes.
When everything is going wrong in a person's life God does not seem very loving. It's ok to admit that. It's ok to be mad at Him. God, as I once heard on a tv show, can take our anger. Trying to paper over it with pat answers insults the intelligence of people. Face it. A relationship with God doesn't guarantee you'll get loving care and attention from Him at all times. Sometimes you get the cold shoulder, and nobody knows why but God. Staying faithful to the Lord in such times is possible but far from easy. People need wise and patient counsel to stay on the right path, and the way to begin is to stop saying "Jesus loves you!"
hi there ...try to check my blog www.redspotlight.blogspot.com
Every time I hear "Jesus Loves You" on TV/Radio or in person it is always a prequel to something hateful, condemning, and/or judgmental.
Web Diva, I didn't mean to imply that Christians are "hateful, condemning, and/or judgmental". If you think God and Me is some sort of "progressive", anti-Christian blog, you're mistaken.
The only point I was trying to make is that sometimes Christians are out of touch with other people's pain and are too want to give pat answers to complicated situations. It's the old problem of being so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. That's what I was complaining about.
Web Diva, I didn't mean to imply that Christians are "hateful, condemning, and/or judgmental". If you think God and Me is some sort of "progressive", anti-Christian blog, you're mistaken.
The only point I was trying to make is that sometimes Christians are out of touch with other people's pain and are too want to give pat answers to complicated situations. It's the old problem of being so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. That's what I was complaining about.
Sorry for the double comment. Computer glitch.
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