Saturday, December 17, 2005

Another Little Miracle

Hi everyone! I know it's been a long time since my last post. My dsl is down at home due to lack of money, so I haven't been able to do anything on my computer except play games. I'm writing this post from my second home, the public library. Hopefully, my next post will be from my own computer.

As I said, my dsl is down because I haven't been able to make a payment for this month. However, I did get a little financial miracle today. I found $20!!!! It was just lying there in the parking lot at Albertson's. I noticed it as I pulled in. I thought it was probably only a dollar, but I got of the car to get it anyway and when I picked it up it was a twenty!!!! It was dirty, so it probably had been blowing around for some time. I immediately thanked Jesus for sending me the $20. I've been praying for some financial help and it came in a way I definitely didn't expect. Of course, I still need a lot more money, but that $20 made me feel like God cares enough about me to hear my prayers. I'm taking this as a good sign and I'm going to use this as a starting point to try to trust God more. I hope I won't let God down.

Merry Christmas everyone!


My new boss had a killer Christmas party at her house last night. I may be getting some Christmas spirit after all!

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